If you are residing in Tamilnadu and own a property in it or wish to own one, you can view the guideline value of that place online. A guideline value is the government determined rate for a property, which will act as guideline to the buyer or seller of the property. It helps the registering officer to detect if there is any undervaluation of property. It should truly reflect the market value.
The guideline values have been fixed for each survey number. In well established residential areas, the same has been fixed for each street. In practical experience it is seen that the market value is much higher than the guideline value. On rare occasions the market value is lower than the guideline value. This can be brought to the notice of IG of Registrations for necessary corrections.
The guideline value is being reviewed periodically by a Committee at the State level and the values are fixed. The last review was done in August 2007. These have been posted in the net for benefit of the people in Tamilnadu. Guideline values of 1.1 lakh streets and 29 million survey numbers and sub division numbers can be searched in this site. You can view the guideline values at http://www.tnreginet.net/igr/guideline_value.htm . There are guideline values given for three periods. You can choose any one and view the values. (click on the image to get an enlarged view)
1) First Choose the zone
2) Select the sub registrar office
3) Then choose the village under the sub registrar office
4) Choose the first alphabet of the street name and view the details
The guideline value is expressed for sq.ft and sq.mt and also the category of the land is given. You can also search the guideline value by knowing the survey number.
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